البرامج |
1. حافظ
الشاشة القرآني البرنامج حافظ للشاشة القرآني يحفظ الشاشة كباقي برامج الـ: screen savers. البرنامج يعرض آيات القرآن الكريم باللغة العربية مع Winodws 95/98 Arabic فقط،والبرنامج يعرض الآيات بأساليب مختلفة. ويمكن تغيير الخطوط والأولوان والحركات وتسلسل الآيات. 2. The Holy Quran Screen Saver The Holy Quran Screen Saver is a screen saver that displays verses from the English translation of the Holy Quran in random order. It has many features that are setable. It works with Windows 95/98 and Windows NT (If you have already installed the Arabic version, then don't install this one. This is an older version of the screen saver and might not work properly. Although, if you did install it after installing the Arabic version you can either uninstall it, or contact us so we can tell you how to fix the problem). |